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Advanced Technologies Reducing Incidents in Hospitals

January 23, 2025 by Chris Allcard

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From time to time reports on violence in hospitals can be seen on the news. To avoid tragedy, hospital operators are turning to various advanced technologies, some of which are discussed in this note.

Violence by patients against hospital staff happens occasionally. Long waiting times and lack of hospital beds can make patients or their families edgy. Some of them may resort to violence as a result. According to figures by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2018, the incidence rate of nonfatal workplace violence to healthcare workers was 10.4 per 10,000 workers – an increase from the 2011 rate of 6.4 per 10,000.

Amid these incidents, hospitals now attach greater importance to staff and visitors’ safety and wellbeing. In this regard, security can help. Below we hear Lone Worker Services Director, Chris Allcard discuss the advanced technologies that can help reduce incidents of patient-induced violence in hospitals.

Body-worn cameras

More and more, hospitals use body-worn cameras as a means to protect staff against patient violence. “People tend to be far less aggressive if they know they are being recorded, and body worn cameras offer an effective support and evidence gathering facility,” said Chris Allcard, Lone Worker Services Director at Reliance Protect. “Filmed evidence can also assist in resolving incidents and complaints by providing a more accurate record of events. It can also identify operational problems and provide documentation for investigations into allegations of professional misconduct.”

Allcard further commented on how body-worn cameras may be used in hospitals: “At the beginning of a shift, a staff member simply selects a body-worn camera, which uses a radio frequency identification (RFID) reader to scan their personal ID card. This links the camera to the user for the duration of their time at work, providing a full audit trail that offers an extra layer of visibility and accountability. After their shift, the user simply puts the device in a charging dock, which automatically uploads the footage via an IT network and into the cloud.”

To read the full article on security technologies keeping hospital teams safe, click here: