BOOK A DEMO Customer Portal

How The Safety Features Work

Our range of personal safety devices and smartphone apps have a range of features to keep people safe

Safe Lone Working

Safety Check In and Out

Check in and out with timer periods covering a few minutes for heightened risk tasks through to starting and ending a full working day.

Fall and Impact Detection Monitoring

Technology built into our safety devices and smartphones can detect falls, impacts and non-movement.

Updates to provide location, tasks and identified risks

Our Update function allows users to leave verbal messages with important information prior to performing key tasks or enter situations.

Dynamic Risk Assessment

Day to day usage of the features and functions within our devices and apps encourages users to think more about the risks they face and perform dynamic risk assessments.


Red Alert manual activation

Users can manually raise Red Alert alarms via dedicated buttons on our devices and apps

Safety Check not performed

Failure to check in or out on time will trigger an alarm event.  Works even when the user goes in areas that have no cellular coverage.

Fall and impact detection activation

Automatic Red Alert alarms raised on behalf of the user when the device or app detects falls and impacts.


1 and 2 Way Communication and Live Video Stream Options

Our devices and apps have the ability to generate 1-way and 2-way voice calls into our ARC allowing us to listen in. monitor, and communicate back to the user.  The latest body worn cameras generate live video and audio streams into our ARC.

Location Information

The latest location information is sent using a combination of GPS, Wifi and cellular technologies depending on the device or smartphone app.

Contextual Background Information

Users can leave contextual background information via the Update function that is accessed when a Red Alert alarm is raised.



User Safe

We communicate with the user and confirm with the user they are safe.

Escalate to Emergency Services & Notify Client

We escalate the situation to the emergency services with the ability to engage with the Police via standard 101 and 999 routes but also the fast tracked Lone Worker URN process for situations that warrant a Level 1 Police response.

Escalate to Agreed Protocols

Bespoke escalation protocols can be set up for any individual user, team or department covering normal working hours and outside of normal working hours.

Alarm Closure & Update Clients With Detailed Incident Reports