Frameworks deliver the following benefits to organisations:
- Fast-tracked procurement process saving significant time
- Significant cost savings and delivering the best value
- Eliminate commercial and service delivery risks associated with selecting a new supplier
- Accreditation to key standards such as ISO27001 Information Security Management, BS8484 Lone Worker Code Of Practice and Cyber Essentials Plus
- Compliance with the latest NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit standards for digital solution suppliers
Reliance Protect has been successfully delivering lone worker safety solutions via national Frameworks to the public sector for over 13 years.
- Back in 2009 we were selected as the single supplier to deliver 30,000 lone worker solutions to the NHS under the NHS Lone Worker Framework Agreement managed by the NHS Business Services Authority. We believe this still to be the largest lone worker contract of its kind anywhere in the world.
- We were selected again in 2013 to be the single supplier for the follow-up NHS Business Services Authority Lone Worker Framework running through to 2017.
- Listed on the NHS Supply Chain Electronic Assistive Technology Products Framework 2018 – 2022.
Recognising the benefits to organisations procuring solutions via Frameworks, Reliance Protect solutions are currently available via the following Frameworks. These Frameworks are accessible to a broad spectrum of public sector organisations and include both our lone worker safety solutions and body worn cameras.
- NHS Supply Chain Technology Enabled Care, Electronic Assistive Technology and Lone Worker Devices Framework Agreement.
- GCloud 14 Lone worker solutions
- GCloud 14 Body worn camera solutions
- ESPO for body worn camera solutions