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Lone Worker Safety and Technology Webinar – Key Findings

February 9, 2025

What does the future look like for your lone workers? How have technology solutions evolved?

These key questions enabled us to work with Lone Worker Safety Live on a specific webinar looking at lone working and personal safety solutions from a technology perspective.

Recently, our very own Chris Allcard (Lone Worker Services Director) and Andy Schofield (Director of Technology) conducted a webinar with Lone Worker Safety Live, highlighting on key lone working and personal safety solutions from a technology perspective. The webinar also discussed which technologies are developing and how that is shaping safety solutions both now and in the future. With a reminder from Worthwhile Training’s Nicole Vasquez over the need to engage with your lone workers when implementing technology, this webinar was a cohesive look at the options accessible and their practical usage.

The webinar also explored the development in technology, how to decide on what is appropriate for your lone workers and the roles they carry out and how to embed them as part of your current risk management process.

So, how have Technology Solutions Evolved?

Lone Worker Device, Apps and Body Worn Camera Technology have all become familiar tools in controlling the risks to lone workers over the past two decades. However, there are still considerations to be made when implementing lone worker solutions whether in the form of body worn cameras, discreet devices or apps.

With the latest advances – the webinar turned attention on to the connectivity and linking between other devices, concentrating on indoor locating which traditionally has been a weakness for lone worker solutions. Plus, we explored the changes in video and how body worn devices can also divert and change the behaviour of an offender and even stop an incident before it happens, while simultaneously providing video evidence.

What does the future look like for your lone workers?

Advances in technology have made technological solutions not only more effective but also more accessible. Information delivered and managed appropriately will improve our ability to protect our people, our places and our assets. We believe that controls such as GDPR, should be embraced to enable the increased benefit of integrated systems, and hence data, across our estates. In order to deliver potential for the next generation Lone Worker solutions, maximising the data available across a range of systems is a critical factor. The management, handling, transmission and control of this data needs to be robust and secure.

A key question during the webinar inquired if we believed that body worn cameras will be integrated into lone worker solutions – the simple answer is yes! We believe monitoring and recording the visual element and audio element is a natural convergence.  This could be through a single device or separate wearable devices wirelessly linked together.

If you missed it, and would like to gain more of an understanding, you can access the webinar by clicking the link here.

Further Information

During the lock-down period our customers have really benefitted from the Lone Worker Safety Live’s series of free webinars looking at the complications lock-down has posed on businesses form a staff health and safety and wellbeing perspective covering both migrating to a home working environment, and ultimately looking at the challenges of returning back to the office environment. You can find all of Lone Worker Safety Live’s webinars on YouTube via this link.

If you’d like to speak to someone at Reliance Protect to find out how we can help you get the best from your Lone Worker protection solution, please contact: or give us a call on 01977 696649.