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NHS Supply Chain Framework Update

February 9, 2025

At Reliance Protect, we recognise the value and benefits to public sector organisations of well-structured Frameworks. Delivering two highly successful Frameworks has helped make Reliance Protect the leading provider of lone worker safety solutions to the health and social care sectors for over the last 10 years.

We are currently 12 months into our third and latest NHS Framework for lone worker solutions, and it is proving even more successful than our two previous NHS Frameworks, which were two of the largest lone worker safety solutions contracts anywhere in the world.

The Framework offers our full suite of products and services, including our roaming sim card options and 24/7 proactive Monitor welfare check services. We already have over 250 contracts providing services to not just the NHS but wider public sector, such as Central Government Agencies, Local Authorities and Charities as well.

Key benefits include:

  • The best value and transparent pricing
  • No need to run separate procurement processes
  • A proven and trusted supplier to the NHS for over 10 years
  • All lone worker solutions delivered within an ISO27001 Information Security Management accredited infrastructure

We can seamlessly transfer existing NHS Framework customers onto the new Framework with either existing lone worker devices or with an upgrade to the latest devices. Those coming to the end of contracts from alternative suppliers, can be reassigned onto our new Framework with the latest devices with full project management support to ensure clients staff always have live service with no downtime during the switch.

Please contact us for more information.