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Support Your Staff with Lone Worker Solutions

February 9, 2025 by Chris Allcard

So what tangible benefits are actually delivered as a result of investing in and deploying a lone worker safety solution?  We ask our customers this on a quarterly basis through extensive customer feedback surveys.  We recently wrote an article on the industry leading scores our customers and users give us around our key service delivery areas of customer support, alarm handling and training.

Our latest survey results are in and for this article, we are focussing on the positive wider benefits staff experience from using the Reliance Protect service.  Do staff feel more valued, have increased confidence working alone day to day, and are more aware of their personal safety whilst working alone?  The results speak for themselves!

We can help

If you feel your organisation and staff are not experiencing these positive impacts from your existing provider, or you are considering investing in a lone worker safety solution and want a solution that maximises the value and benefits for both your organisation and your staff, contact us today.